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  • 2022-05-06

Stress is one of the biggest health concerns, the real culprit behind wearing us out mentally as well as physically.

Thanks to our busy and hectic lifestyles, we cannot avoid stress. But we can learn to keep it in check, and ourselves happy and healthy.

Today, lets understand what exactly "stress" and how it misbalances our mental and physical well-being.

What is stress?

Stress is your body's reaction to certain physical, mental or emotional situations. When we get stressed, various hormonal and chemical reactions occur inside our body, which can affect the way we think, behave and respond to a particular situation.

What stress does to our body?

Alongside our mood, emotions and behavior, stress especially chronic stress, has a significant impact on the major organs of our body-

Nervous system

When we are stressed, our defense mechanism releases hormones that control the stress level. But if we are under constant stress, it can lead us to behaviors with adverse effects such as; overeating, not eating enough, alcohol dependence, social withdrawal etc.

Vitamins and electrolytes are necessary for the efficient functioning of the neurons.

Respiratory system

During stress, adrenaline hormones are released. This improves blood supply to other parts of the body, but if it continues for a longer duration, it can lead to:

-Difficulty in breathing

-Panic attacks due to hyperventilation

Cardiovascular system

When stressed, our heart beats rapidly, leading to stronger contractions. Over longer duration, it can cause:

-Increased blood pressure

-Inflammation of arteries

-Risk of heart attack & stroke

Digestive system

Stress can affect our appetite and the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This can cause:

-Changes in our eating habits

-Increased risk of acidity & GI problems

-Symptoms like nausea, diarrhea or constipation

Musculoskeletal system

If we are stressed for a long time, the proper functioning of the muscles (relaxation and contraction) is seriously impacted. This can lead to:


-Back pain

-Body ache

-Pain in the limbs

Endocrine system

When stressed, the hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are released, which in turn increase the production of glucose and inhibit insulin secretion. In case of chronic stress, this may increase the risk of diabetes.

Reproductive system

Excess of cortisol can affect the normal functioning of the reproductive system in both men and women.

-In men, it can lead to low production of testosterone & sperms

-In women, it can lead to irregular periods, low sex drive and worsen symptoms of menopause

Immune system

Acute stress stimulates the immune system which helps us to fight infection and enhance the healing of wounds. But chronic stress can:

-Make us more prone to infections

-Prolong recovery post an injury or illness

Not just adults, even children are at risk of stress.

Childhood stress is a real thing! Childhood stress is emerging as one of the common health concerns among today's children.

Easy ways to cope-up with workplace stress

  • Take a quick walk outside your office space building. A quick walk in the open helps correct the body clock, and reset our brain.
  • Keep a small plant at your desk, bamboo or a money plant. Green color tends to soothe the eyes that are strained due to staring at the computer.
  • Start a game of catch with a friend at another desk or play a game of donkey, just get the happy hormones flowing.
  • Take a power nap. Just putting your head down on the desk for 10 minutes goes a long way in recharging your tired brain.
  • Improve your quality of sleep, lack of ample sleep at night can also lead to aggravation of stress.
  • Declutter your brain. Spare out some 'ME' time. Learn to prioritize tasks and say 'No' when required.
  • Take a gossip break, literally. Nothing de-stressed one more than a quick chat with friends and a round of laughter. A smoke break does not count here, it is in fact counterproductive. If casual chats do not seem to be working, and workplace stress has become a regular affair, do speak to a mental health expert and seek professional help.


Always remember, stress is caused by your thoughts and not by your situation. All you need is to indulge yourself in something more meaningful.


If you have been struggling to cope-up with stress of if the symptoms of stress start to affect your daily chores, it's time to take professional help.

Health is important for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Ensure you see your doctor for regular health checks.

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