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  • info@nitapolyclinic.com.np

Activated Protein C - Resistance - APCR



Test Code: RHM10100

Technique: Automated Coagulation

Technique: 4 ml. (3 ml. Minimum) Platelet Poor Plasma (PPP) from 2 Sodium Citrate (Light Blue Top) tubes along with duly filled coagulation requisition form.

Technique: (-20C) in dry ice.

Sample Collection Instruction: Preparation of PPP : 12 -14 Hrs. (Overnight) fasting is preferred. Centrifuge the blood sample at 3000rpm for 10 minutes within 1 hr. of collection to separate the plasma. Transfer the Plasma obtained to a clean plastic tube using plastic tipped pipette avoiding buffy coat & centrifuge it again at 3700 rpm & finally transfer the PPP into fresh, clean & labelled plastic tubes which contains <10,000 cells/cu. mm. DULY FILLED COAGULATION REQUISITION TO BE ATTACHED

Reported on: 6th Working day by 7:00 p.m.


NRS. 9435 NRS. 10378


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