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Dual (Double Marker) Test -1st Trimester

Dual (Double Marker) Test -1st Trimester

Maternal Screen-First Trimester Dual Marker Test (from 9 to 13 weeks of pregnancy)



Maternal Screen-1st Trimester Dual Marker Test (from 9 to 13 weeks of pregnancy)

Recommended for pregnant women as this test helps in the determination of any chromosomal malformation in the foetus.

This test helps in screening the fetus for any abnormalities before birth. It can be done from 9 to 13 weeks of pregnancy but the ideal time for combined risk assessment is 11 to 13 weeks.

Tests Parameter to check for:

Non-invasive blood test, for prenatal screening for Down syndrome (Trisomy 21), Edward's Syndrome (Trisomy 18/13), having a family history of any of these syndromes.

This test measures the levels of Beta-hCG and PAPP-A in blood with the ultrasound test.

  • ·  Increased total HCG levels are associated with an increased risk for Down Syndrome
  • ·  Low PAPP-A levels before the 14th week of gestation are associated with an increased risk for Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) and Edward's Syndrome (Trisomy 18/13)
  • ·  Provides comprehensive reporting with graphs for better understanding
  • ·  The NT (Nuchal Translucency), an ultrasound marker is important component for combined trisomy 21 risk assessment


Fasting not mandatory. 3 ml. (2 ml. Minimum) Serum from 1 SST (Gel Barrier Tube) taken from Pregnant Lady of pregnancy between 9 – 13 wks.

Home/Office Sample Collection. Call or WhatsApp 980103680/9801831090

Reported on

3 working days

Test Preparation

The lab technician will collect blood sample from the patient. This will be processed in a lab and the report provided usually within 48-72 hours.

Test is valid between 9-13 weeks of gestation (Ideal for combined risk assessment 11-13 weeks).

Please keep the hard copy of your latest pregnancy ultrasound report (CRL, NT/NB or Level 1) and Maternal Screen details (LMP, DOB, Body Weight, Diabetic status & IVF) ready at the time of your test.


Test is valid between 9-13 weeks of gestation (Ideal for combined risk assessment 11-13 weeks).

Please keep the hard copy of your latest pregnancy ultrasound report (CRL, NT/NB or Level 1) and Maternal Screen details (LMP, DOB, Body Weight, Diabetic status & IVF) ready at the time of your test.

NRS. 3600 NRS. 3600


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