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  • info@nitapolyclinic.com.np

Ultrasound 3D / 4D Anomaly Scan Level II

  • Appointment Required: Mandatory
  • Fasting Required: No Need
  • Reports Available: Same day



The Ultrasound anomaly scan is done in the second trimester of pregnancy. This scan show how your baby is growing and check the fetal movements, makes sure your baby's internal organs are developing well, detects certain birth defects in your baby, estimates the amount of amniotic fluid, checks the umbilical cord and position of the placenta, checks for markers of chromosomal abnormalities, checks your cervix and measure the birth canal. The Ultrasound 3D / 4D anomaly scan is done between 18 and 22 weeks normally.

The anomaly scan is carried out in the same way as your early pregnancy scans. It usually produces 2-dimensional (2-D) images that give only a side view of the baby. If required, a 3/4-dimensional (3/4-D) scan can also be done.

It does not use ionizing radiation, has no known harmful effects, and is the preferred method for monitoring pregnant women and their unborn babies. 
This anomaly test will help in identifying the number of babies you are carrying. Understand the shape and structure of baby's head. It is possible to detect severe brain problems at this stage, but fortunately these are very rare. Check for a cleft lip if any Check baby's spine, both along its length and in cross-section. Check baby’s heart stomach and kidneys. It helps in understanding how baby is growing The doctor can also the doctor will check: the placenta the umbilical cord the amniotic fluid


It is mandatory to carry the duly signed and stamped prescription of the test which has the registration ID of the registered medical practitioner.

NRS. 3000 NRS. 4000


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