A testicular ultrasound is a diagnostic test that obtains images of the testicles and the surrounding tissues in your scrotum. Ultrasound is also called sonography or ultrasound scanning. Your doctor may refer to a testicular ultrasound as a testicular sonogram or scrotal ultrasound. The two testicles are the primary male reproductive organs. They produce sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone. Your testicles are in your scrotum, which is the fleshy pouch of tissue that hangs under your penis.
An ultrasound is a safe, painless, and noninvasive procedure. The procedure uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of organs inside your body.
A testicular ultrasound is the primary imaging method used to observe and diagnose abnormalities in the testicles.
Your doctor may recommend a testicular ultrasound to:
verify whether a lump in your scrotum or testicles is solid, which indicates a tumor, or filled with fluid, which indicates a cyst
determine the outcome of trauma to your scrotum
evaluate for possible testicular torsion, which is a twisted testicle
identify sources of pain or swelling in your testicles
detect for and evaluate varicoceles, which are varicose spermatic veins