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Prenatal Chromosomal Microarray Analysis (CMA) with MCC

Prenatal Chromosomal Microarray Analysis (CMA) with MCC

Microarray is a high resolution technology capable of detecting microdeletions / microduplication syndromes associated with ultrasound abnormalities which cannot be detected by conventional karyotyping



Methodology: KaryoTrack is a chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) test performed using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) probes. It consists of approximately 700K probes targeting more than 4800 genes and regions with known disease associations, allowing for the analysis of genetic variation across the genome. The samples are processed using the standard assay protocol, where 200 ng of genomic DNA is amplified overnight for whole-genome amplification. The amplified DNA is then enzymatically fragmented and subjected to precipitation. The resuspended DNA samples are hybridized to a chip, and the samples undergo labeling, washing, and staining. The chips are imaged using a scanner. The data generated from the assay will be analyzed using a bioinformatic tool on the Human reference genome (GRCh38/hg38).

Specimen type: Peripheral blood/purified genomic DNA/chorionic villus sample (CVS)/amniotic fluid/ Dried Blood Spots (FTA Cards)/ Product of Conception (POC) Peripheral blood/purified genomic DNA (RNAse treated)/chorionic villus sample (CVS)/amniotic fluid

Sample Collection Instruction: Minimum 3ml of peripheral blood, 300-500mg of CVS; Amniotic fluid of 15-20ml/T25 culture flask with 100% confluency, Maternal blood sample to be sent along for MCC testing. Should NOT FREEZE. Should NOT be placed in formalin Reported on: 21st working Day by 7:00 p.m.

Reported on: 21st working Day by 7:00 p.m.


No special preparation required

NRS. 44000 NRS. 48000

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