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Second Trimester Quadruple Test

Second Trimester Quadruple Test

Quadruple prenatal screening by most advance AutoDELFIA immunoassay system is reliable and high-quality results.



Quadruple Maternal Screening test is a second trimester screening test for pregnant women for pregnant women as this test to classify a patient as either high-risk or low-risk for chromosomal abnormalities (Down Syndrome-Trisomy 21, Edward’s Syndrome-Trisomy 18) and neural tube defects. It identifies the risk of the baby being affected.

This test is done between 14 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. However, the best time for this test is between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Every pregnant woman is advised to take this test, for detecting any abnormality in the fetus before birth.

Tests Parameter to check for:

This test measures the levels of four marker AFP, Unconjugated Estriol, β -HCG and inhibin A in blood, so known as the Quad Marker test.

  • AFP is a protein which is produced by the fetus. If the levels of AFP are high, it indicates neural tube defects in the fetus or there can be incomplete closure of the fetus abdomen.
  • Beta-hCG hormone is produced by cells of the placenta. If the levels of HCG are low, it indicates a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Whereas, if the levels of HCG are high this indicates multiple pregnancies.
  • Estriol is a form of the hormone estrogen which is present in both fetus and placenta. If the levels of estriol are low, it indicates the risk of the baby getting delivered with Down syndrome especially when the levels of AFP are low and HCG are high.
  • Inhibin A is a hormone which is produced by the placenta. It is a dimer which means it has two parts. It is also sometimes referred to as DIA or dimeric inhibin A. In the 14 to 17 weeks of gestation (pregnancy), the levels of inhibin A in maternal blood slightly decrease and then rise again. Increased levels of Inhibin A indicate fetus with Down syndrome. Inhibin A enhances the sensitivity as well as the specificity in order to correctly identify cases of Down syndrome.

Sample Collection Instruction:

Fasting not mandatory.

3 ml. (2 ml. Minimum) Serum from 1 SST (Gel barrier tube).

Reported on

4th Working Day by 7:00 p.m.

The lab technician will collect blood sample from the patient. This will be processed in a lab and the report provided usually fourth day via SMS and Email.

To know more please Call 9801831090, 9801036380(WhatsApp)


Test Preparation for combined risk assessment

  • Test is valid between 15-22 weeks of gestation.
  • Hard copy of your latest pregnancy ultrasound report (BPD, FL, HC, AC or Level 2),
  • Both Right & Left Blood pressure
  • Maternal Screen details (LMP, DOB, Body Weight, Diabetic status & IVF) ready at the time of your test.

NRS. 5600 NRS. 5800

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