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Typhoid Vaccine

Typhoid Vaccine

Typhoid Vaccine available at Nita Polyclinic, Immunization Center, Authorized by Government of Nepal, MOHP

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Typhoid Vaccine used to prevent typhoid fever in adults and children aged two and above. The vaccine works by causing the body to produce its own protection (antibodies) against this disease. Typhoid fever is caused by a bacteria called Salmonella Typhi.


Typhoid fever is an infection that spreads through intake of contaminated food and water. This vaccine is generally recommended for individuals who are traveling to areas where typhoid fever is common. However, while traveling, it is important that you avoid contaminated food or water.


Typhoid Polysaccharides Vaccine is given as an injection into a muscle by a doctor or a nurse, as a single dose, approximately 2 weeks before travelling to such an area where typhoid fever is common.

A single booster dose is given to those who are at risk, every 3 years. Your doctor may also advise on the possible need for future booster dosing.


Vaccines are available:

Vactyph (manufactured by Zydus Cadila)

Typbar (manufactured by Bharat Biotech)


Do not receive Typhoid Polysaccharides Vaccine if you or your child are allergic to any of its ingredients or has a very high fever. You must also inform your doctor if you or your child has a very weak immune system (due to any severe infections) or any type of blood disorders (haemophilia).

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